Monday 29 June 2015

Sexually, some guys are universal chargers
Ever wondered how things are valued in life? I think things are valued according to their use.
Obviously, things that are multipurpose are always not valued much and always spoil easily. This is never so with the ones that have peculiar uses.
Take for instance, the universal charger. It is not always valued like your original Android charger and because it enters everywhere, it doesn't take it anything to spoil.
Well, sexually, this is what I have discovered some guys to be. But I think they should rather be original chargers of one original phone.
Do you then still wonder why we have series of STDs abounding everywhere?
Even if you don't think you loose value when you sleep with everyone, don't you think God is not happy with you.
I think the more you insert your charging port into every phone, the more dangers you stand to face.
Allow Jesus to have effect on you today. Jesus is coming very soon.
#My opinion


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