Tuesday 31 January 2017

The wind started blowing somewhere between 6:23 and 6:25 pm as the praise and worship was going on. It was a terrible wind that blew dust both from the earth and the sky, I think, just like those kinds I used to read in books or watch in the television. I am 25 now and since I was born till now, I had never seen such a demonic wind in my life. It was as though the devil itself was inside the wind with his wife and children and all his family members and friends swimming within and blowing the dust with force on the corps members’ whites and faces; perhaps on a mission to blind all the worshippers. What he did not realize, I think was that God himself was amidst His people inhabiting the praises of His people
True to the fact, the house was not a real house but a structure with zinc and poles as the government is yet to allocate lands to religious groups to build their permanent fellowship centres in the camp. As it were, we were still trying to bring together the tarpaulins that were tearing apart oblivious of the mayhem the devil was trying to lash out. Then suddenly, like a wave, in the suspecting eyes of the corps members and the NCCF people; the house shrieked and standing aloof, I watched helplessly as our structure came crashing with full force; everybody still inside.
I don’t know how to explain this but the good news was that no body went as far as being fatally injured not to talk of dying.
 Are you surprised? Well, even all the camp officials are still surprised, doubting the fact that nobody died in such a crash. Even the devil is still surprised, I assure you.
What can I say but thanks to  God for such a wonderful miracle.
#Nccf will never die#
#Rural rugged will never die#
#Jesus Corpers will never die#
#NYSC will never die#
#Nigerian youths will never die#
Nigeria will never die.


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