Monday 16 January 2017

“My church is doing forty days fasting and prayer and  I must complete these forty days because that is just what my life needs in this 2017”
“Forty? Hmmm, Bro Kay, your church is trying ooo. My own is doing seven and I am even afraid ooo. How I wish I can have the kind of grace you have to do like that”
“Hmmm, Bro Martins. This is a matter of choice; it is not a matter of wish. Everybody that wants to do big things this year must be ready to take big risks. Don’t you know that every level has a new devil? I know the kind of challenges facing me this year and I know it is only this kind of radical fasting that can clear it. Did they not say that it is only a mad man that keep doing the same things and expect a different result? Even Jesus made it clear that some kinds of demons cannot go without praying and fasting. Bro, you need to build capacities. You need to make up your mind to suffer yourself this year beginning and enjoy for the rest of the year. You have to be serious with God if you expect him to be serious with your life”
“Hmmm, Bro Kay, see as you are just releasing rhema. I ask God for Grace to be like you”
Religion! Religion! Religion! How many times did I call you?
Bro Kay and Martins, God is not answering my prayers because of fasting. Fasting or no fasting, I have the answers to my prayers already.  God answers me because I am born again, because I have Jesus in me; because the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much ( and I am holy and righteous through Christ. Should I still be telling you this?), God is answers me because I have whatever I ask in the name of Jesus; because I am God’s beloved? Should I keep listing it?....
While not disputing the fact that fasting is a necessity, I want you to understand that it does. not contribute anything to the answering of your prayers. It only helps to make your flesh weak, make your spiritual antenna active and sharp enough to connect to heavenly Bluetooth and pick signals fast enough.
Fasting has nothing to do with God. It only have to do with you. Anytime you present fasting as a condition for God’s answering of your prayers, it becomes work which is religion which is an opposition to God
As you fast therefore in your different churches this January, please have the right motive. Fast not like the Pharisees so that you will not miss the real thing while chasing fantasies. The real thing is your refreshment in His presence; the fantasy is your showing to God how much you can fast.


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